MeteoLaser LiDAR: eTraining@Ammonit with Vincent

01. December 2022 | LiDAR, MeteoLaser, webinar
MeteoLaser LiDAR: eTraining@Ammonit with Vincent
What is special about MeteoLaser, Ammonit's pulsed Doppler LiDAR?

We are happy to present our MeteoLaser to you:

MeteoLaser with Vincent Camier

Managing Director of Ammonit Measurement GmbH

Thursday, 2022-12-01, 11:00 UTC (12:00 CET)

1.    Ammonit’s pulsed doppler LiDAR
2.    Verification and classification
3.    IT communication tools
4.    Power supply
Special guest:

Univ.-Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Uwe Ritschel
University of Rostock, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Marine Technology
Chair of Wind Energy Technology

MeteoLaser project of University of Rostock and IWEN Energy Institute: Analysis of vertical wind shear up to 300 m and fatigue loading of wind turbines

To join our eTrainings please register via email: and submit the following data: your name, family name, company name, email address.
Deadline for registration: Friday, 2022-11-25.

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