Wind energy is converted sun energy.
The sun radiates energy onto the earth at an hourly rate of 174,423,000,000,000 kW hours. The earth is heated unevenly by the sun - the atmosphere heats up much …
From Design up to Running and Best Performance
In order to design a profitable wind farm, the local wind conditions are measured to perform a de-tailed wind site assessment. Once the wind farm is se…
Choice of sensors
In order to obtain reliable and accurate measurement data, the installation of high quality sensors is crucial.
Learn more about the impact of measurement errors on the annual energ…

The sun is the largest energy source ever.
The sun is the star at the center of our solar system. Inside of this huge nuclear reactor energy hydrogen is melted down to helium at temperatures of 15 M…
In order to assure well-founded decisions in designing profitable solar power plants, the sun irradiation should be measured at the planned site.
It is also recommended measuring the produced electr…
In order to summarize the high quality requirements in wind and solar measurement, international standards and technical guidelines have been developed and networks have been founded.
Different applications for different purposes.
AmmonitOR Data Cloud
AmmonitConnect Remote Access
AmmonitLive Data Suite
What is it?
Data Cloud with csv files of measurement data fo…

Measurement data is valuable and irreplaceable.
To protect your data, we use public key cryptography according to the OpenPGP standard on our Meteo-40 data loggers and our online monitoring platform…