Met masts
A measuring system consists of several components. The specific components of a system will vary depending on climatic and regional conditions, and the anticipated size of the wind farm.
Height of the measuring tower depends on the turbine hub height
Because the height of the measuring tower depends on the turbine hub height (the level where the rotor blades are to be located), the anticipated turbine hub height is critical.
The complexity of the surrounding terrain is also very important in the selection of measuring system components.
Mast heights
Masts and wind turbines are becoming increasingly taller; the average mast height is currently approx. 100 m. However, in the meantime masts with 200 m are in operation. As a general rule:
The higher the wind turbine is from the ground, the better is the wind performance.
Set-up the mast
The mast should be set up, free of obstruction, on a carefully selected position on the site. It should be fully stocked with high-quality measuring components, consisting of a data logger, several sensors, a communication system, a power supply and several additional accessories as required.
The main mast can be supported by additional masts, to be located in intervals of 5 - 10 km, to assess the overall wind conditions of the region. However, under most circumstances, one mast fully equipped with a self-contained, high-standard measuring system will be sufficient to assess the wind potential, even in remote areas and under extreme climatic conditions.